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July 5, 2011 | Tuesday 

UM, Haitian Students to Collaborate on Urban Plan for Rebuilding Central Port-au-Prince
A combined team of students from the University of Miami and two academic institutions in Haiti is collaborating this summer on an architectural design proposal for rebuilding central Port-au-Prince, Haiti, which was devastated by last year’s 7.0-magnitude earthquake. | more

Studies of Type 1 Diabetes Drugs Release Results
The results of two diabetes drug studies, including one that shows promise for stopping the immune system’s attack on insulin-producing cells in people newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, were presented at the American Diabetes Association’s Scientific Sessions in San Diego. The studies were conducted by the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group, an international network of researchers led by the Miller School of Medicine’s Jay Skyler. | more

UM Wins CASE Awards for Haiti Relief Communication Program, Achievements Booklet
A comprehensive and multifaceted public relations program initiated by the University of Miami to communicate its far-reaching efforts to aid the victims of Haiti’s devastating January 12, 2010 earthquake has won a Silver Award in the annual Circle of Excellence Awards competition of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. UM also received a Bronze Medal for Points of Pride, a booklet that touts the University’s achievements. | more

Eichkorn a Nominee for NCAA Woman of the Year Award
Bianca Eichkorn, the winningest player in University of Miami tennis history, continues to earn national recognition following her record-breaking senior season. The latest honor comes from the NCAA, as Eichkorn has been selected a nominee for the 2011 NCAA Woman of the Year Award. | more

  • 2011 Volleyball and Soccer Family Plan Ticket Packages Now Available | more
    Young Musicians’ Camp to Present Fifth Annual Simon Salz Memorial Concert
    The Young Musicians’ Camp at the Frost School of Music will present the Fifth Annual Simon Salz Memorial Concert on Saturday, July 9 at 7:30 p.m. at Clarke Recital Hall on the Coral Gables campus. Featured musicians will include vocalist Wendy Pedersen and veteran jazz artist Ira Sullivan. Performances by honors students from this year’s summer camp will open the concert. | more

  • ‘La Habana’ Exhibition Features Works of Cuban-Born Photographer Victoria Montoro | more
  • Miami Law’s Legal Corps Receives Grant from The Miami Foundation | more
  • Dollars and Sense: Article Presents a Case for Shark Conservation through Ecotourism | more
  • School of Education Professor to Speak about New Book | more
  • Occupational Research Group Seeks Survey Participants | more
  • OB-GYN Executive Offices Move | more
  • Coral Gables Passport Facility Offers Full Passport, Photographic Services | more
  • ITIL Foundations Course to Be Offered in August | more
  • Sylvester Gears up for Second Annual Dolphins Cycling Challenge | more
  • Miami Project Scientists to Host Free Public Informational Event at National Neurotrauma Symposium, July 12 | more
    Professor’s Mad Cow Motorcycle Spreads Environmental Message
    An eight-foot by three-foot sculpture of cow bones, bicycle frame, and motor, Billie Grace Lynn’s Mad Cow Motorcycle helps spread an environmental message, educating people about cruelty to animals and the greenhouse gases generated by commercial cattle farms. An associate professor of sculpture and head of 3D art in the Department of Art and Art History in UM’s College of Arts and Sciences, Lynn is a West Collection 2011 Grand Prize Winner for her electric/hybrid work of art.
    | more

    CSTARS Wins Innovation Award
    The Alliance For Earth Observations has awarded UM’s Center for Southeastern Tropical Advanced Remote Sensing an Innovation Award for action taken during the Deepwater Horizon disaster. | more

    Schedule a One-on-One Retirement Consultation with Fidelity and TIAA-CREF
    The 403(b) plan transition is complete. Take this opportunity to schedule an appointment to meet one-on-one with a Fidelity and/or TIAA-CREF representative to discuss your unique financial situation. Determine whether you are on track for reaching your retirement goals and the asset allocation mix and investment strategy that make the most sense for you.  | more

  • Information Security Awareness Update: Child Identity Theft a Growing Problem | more
  • IAC Upgrades to Blackboard Learn, Release 9.1 | more
  • More NIH Speed-Mentoring Events Planned After Successful Round | more
  • "Feel Good about Yourself…Now" lunchtime seminar July 5-7 | more
  • Tuesday, July 5: Sylvester Distinguished Lecture Series: Making Better Antibodies and Making Antibodies Better | more
    Wednesday, July 6: Dermatology Grand Rounds: Murine Models for Various Alopecias | more
    Wednesday, July 6: McKnight Research Seminar: From the Cell Origin of Retinoblastoma to a Balanced System in Cell Cycle Control in Cancers | more
    Wednesday, July 6: Diabetes Q&A Session: Diabetes and You | more
    Friday, July 8: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Seminar Series: An Analytical Approach to Inborn Errors of Metabolism | more
    Friday, July 8: Neurology Grand Rounds: New Predictors of Post-Surgical Seizure Outcome Following Epilepsy Surgery | more
    Friday through Monday, July 8-11: Cosford Screenings: The Barber of Seville | Bride Flight | Third Star
    Saturday, July 9 through Friday, July 29: M.F.A. Exhibition ‘Metrouroboros’ at Wynwood Project Space | more
    Thursday, August 11: Save the Date: ‘Opening Doors’ Networking Event | more
    November 4-6: Save the Date: Alumni Weekend and Homecoming 2011 | more
    To browse more medical-related seminars, Grand Rounds, lectures, and workshops, please click here.

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    e-Veritas is an electronic newsletter that provides a brief roundup of campus information, news announcements, and events targeted to UM faculty and staff. e-Veritas is distributed by University Communications to all University employees every Monday and Thursday mornings (except for holidays) during the fall and spring semesters, and once a week during the summer semesters. | more

    Editor, e-Veritas
    Robert Jones

    Director of Online Communications
    Editor, e-Veritas
    Robert Yunk

    Assistant Vice President for Communications and Marketing
    Todd Ellenberg

    Vice President for University Communications
    Jacqueline R. Menendez

    Published by University Communications, Copyright © 2011 University of Miami

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