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September 6, 2011 | Tuesday 
UM to Lead Major Research Study on Effects of BP Oil Spill
The University of Miami will serve as the lead institution of a major research consortium that will study the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Armed with $112.5 million in funding from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, the new consortium, which includes eight universities, will investigate the fate and impact of petroleum in the environment and come up with new tools and technology for responding to future spills and improving methods of mitigation and restoration. | more

UM Athletics Receives $4.2 Million Gift
The University of Miami’s athletics program has received a $4.2 million donation. The gift comes from department-store heiress Mary B. Hecht, fulfilling a promise she made some 35 years ago in her last will and testament. | more

  • Men’s Basketball Team to Face Eight NCAA Tournament Teams in 2011-2012 | more

UM Launches United Way Campaign
The University of Miami has launched its 2011 United Way Campaign. Last year TeamUM raised more than $1.1 million for the annual fundraising drive, making it the fourth consecutive year the University surpassed the $1 million mark. This year UM hopes to increase that total by 10 percent. | more

Archbishop of Miami Thomas Wenski to Visit UM
The Archbishop of Miami, the Most Rev. Thomas Wenski, will visit the University of Miami today, September 6 at 5 p.m. to celebrate a Mass of the Holy Spirit at St. Augustine Church and Catholic Student Center. Administration, faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend. | more
Ring Theatre to Present ‘Night Train to Bolina’
The University of Miami’s Jerry Herman Ring Theatre kicks off its 2011-2012 season with Night Train to Bolina, September 14-24. Pulitzer-Prize-winning playwright and Miami native Nilo Cruz, who is serving as a Stanford Distinguished Professor at UM’s Center for the Humanities, spins this intriguing and haunting tale set in an unidentified, war-torn Latin American country where two peasant youths, Mateo and Clara, create an imaginary world to cope with the starvation and oppression of their daily lives. | more
  • UM to Observe 50th Anniversary of Peace Corps With Two Events | more
  • FDA Approves New Lymphoma Drug Based on Miller School Research | more
  • Nationally Recognized Leader Named Chief Innovation Officer at the Miller School | more
  • Rosenstiel School Scientist Receives Prestigious Geochemical Society Award | more
  • First Annual Brickell Fall Crawl Fundraiser to Benefit UM Neurological Research | more
  • Provost Research Awards Competition Open for Coral Gables and Rosenstiel School Faculty | more
  • Intensive Language Institute Offering Free, Non-Credit English Course for ITAs | more
  • Save the Date: October 1: What’s New in Mental Health Research and Treatment | more
    New UM Initiative Uses Academic Resources to Solve Real-World Problems
    Above, students in Associate Professor Michelle Maldonado’s Guatemala: Its Land, Culture, and Religion course spent a week in San Lucas Toliman last spring working on projects to improve the impoverished community. The course is an example of the type of service learning being facilitated by UM’s new Office of Civic and Community Engagement, which will leverage the University’s academic resources to address global community needs and concerns.
    | more

    Richard Walker Bids Farewell
    Twenty-five years after he stepped foot on UM’s Coral Gables campus, Richard Walker, associate vice president for student affairs, has moved on, taking on a new challenge as vice president for student affairs at the University of Houston and vice chancellor for student affairs for the University of Houston System. Above: At a farewell party held at the BankUnited Center’s Hurricane 100 Room last Thursday, co-workers, colleagues, friends, and students bid goodbye to Walker, who leaves behind a legacy of caring for students. | more

    Creating Balance in Your Life
    Many of us live a life that is consumed by activities, demands, and commitments. Explore the importance of maintaining healthy balance in your life at this lunchtime seminar, which is offered through the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program. | more

    • Take Advantage of Free Computer Software Training in September and October | more
    • Dealing with Difficult People | more
    • Career Development | more
    Tuesday and Wednesday, September 6-7: Polyglot Writers: A Reading Series on Writing Across Languages | more
    Tuesday through Thursday, September 6-8: Organizing Your Financial Life | more
    Wednesday, September 7: Gail F. Beach Memorial Visiting Lectureship Series | more
    Wednesday, September 7: Miami Clinical and Translational Science Seminar Series: Translational Research – Making Science Work For Real People | more
    Thursday, September 8: Discovery Science Grand Rounds: Interleukin-2 Receptor Signaling: At the Interface Between Tolerance and Immunity | more
    Thursday, September 8: SEEDS to Host NIH Proposal Speed Mentoring Events in August and September | more
    Thursday, September 8: Fashion’s Night Out 2011 to Benefit Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis | more
    Friday, September 9: School of Law Speaker Series: How Do You Display Postcoloniality? | more
    Friday through Tuesday, September 9-13: Cosford Screenings: The Future | LaTraviata | Rango | Rebirth |
    Saturday, September 10: UM to Participate in Health and Resources Fair | more
    Sunday, September 11: UM to Observe 10th Anniversary of 9/11 | more
    Monday, September 12: Office of Civic and Community Engagement Lecture: Housing Matters: America’s Quest for Decent Homes | more
    Monday, September 12: McKnight Research Seminar: Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Research: Proteomics and Lipidomics | more
    Monday, September 12: CNN Anchor and Special Correspondent Soledad O’Brien to Speak at UM | more
    Tuesday, September 13: Community Town Hall Meeting with Admiral Michael G. Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff | more
    Monday, September 19: MAIA to Host Question-and-Answer Session | more
    Thursday, September 22: School of Business Administration to Host M.B.A. Program Information Session | more
    Thursday, September 22: Miller Center Lecture: Mediterranean Israeli Music and the Politics of the Aesthetic | more
    Tuesday, September 27: Department of History Speakers Series: The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery | more
    Tuesday, September 27: Save the Date: Fall Graduate Faculty and Graduate Program Directors Meeting | more
    Friday, September 30: Save the Date: Hypofractionation 2011: Scientific Concepts and Clinical Experiences | more
    Saturday through Friday, October 1-November 4: Save the Date: Festival Miami | more
    To browse more medical-related seminars, Grand Rounds, lectures, and workshops, please click here.

    Visit the e-Veritas Web Site | About e-Veritas | Contact us/Submit an item for consideration

    e-Veritas is an electronic newsletter that provides a brief roundup of campus information, news announcements, and events targeted to UM faculty and staff. e-Veritas is distributed by University Communications to all University employees every Monday (except for holidays) throughout the year. | more

    Editor, e-Veritas
    Robert Jones

    Director of Online Communications
    Editor, e-Veritas
    Robert Yunk

    Assistant Vice President for Communications and Marketing
    Todd Ellenberg

    Vice President for University Communications
    Jacqueline R. Menendez

    Published by University Communications, Copyright © 2011 University of Miami

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