Faculty Honors
Distinguished recognition of excellence
Pascal J. Goldschmidt, M.D., senior vice president for medical affairs and dean of the Miller School and CEO of University of Miami Health System, received the inaugural Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein Prize in Cardiovascular Sciences from The Ohio State University Heart and Vascular Center. The prize will be awarded biennially to a leader in either the clinical sciences of cardiovascular medicine or the basic sciences of molecular or cellular cardiology.
Tomas A. Salerno, M.D., professor of surgery and chief of the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, received the 2009 Robert Zeppa, M.D., Award of Excellence from the Jackson Memorial Foundation. The award is given biennially to a University of Miami/Jackson physician who is highly acclaimed in their field and best exemplifies the character and ethical standards of Zeppa. As the former chair of surgery and chief of trauma, Zeppa was instrumental in the creation of the Ryder Trauma Center.
Barth Green, M.D., professor and chair of neurological surgery, was named one of the March of Dimes’ 2008 Humanitarians of the Year by the Miami-Dade County chapter of the organization. Green was honored for his work in treating and researching spinal cord injuries and for his efforts to bring needed medical care to
the central plateau of Haiti through Project Medishare, an organization he co-founded.
Jennifer Marks, M.D., professor of medicine, has received the Community-Based Volunteer Award for Leadership from the American Diabetes Association. Marks was honored for her commitment to education, advocacy, and outreach for all people with diabetes and those at risk for the disease.