Match Day 2009
The envelope, please. Below, an array of emotions as matches were revealed.
On Match Day, members of the Miller School’s 171-member senior class took to the stage to receive their envelopes from Dean Pascal J. Goldschmidt, M.D.
Jamie and Kirk Giesbrandt, surgery (preliminary year), Jackson Memorial Hospital; radiology-diagnostic, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Jacksonville, FL. |
Lauren Abern, Ob/Gyn, Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PA, and Elissa Schwartzfarb, medicine (preliminary); dermatology, Jackson Memorial. |
Peter Chung, internal medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX. |
Jessica Ravikoff (with mother Carol Ravikoff), internal medicine, Massachusetts
General Hospital, Boston, MA. |
Nadine Housri, medicine (preliminary), St. Vincent’s Hospital, NY, NY; radiation oncology, UMDNJ, New Brunswick, NJ. |
Sarah Stamler, transitional, St. Vincent’s Hospital, NY, NY; radiology-diagnostic, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical
Center, NY, NY. |
Jedlyn Pierrilus, family medicine, Southern Regional AHEC, Fayetteville, NC. |
Janet Christophel, anesthesiology, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, NY, NY. |
Daniel Golden (with three of his five children), general surgery, Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, PA. |
Medical Education faculty: from left, Drs. Larry Brickman, Stuart Markowitz, Daniel Lichtstein, Mark O’Connell, Richard Weisman (partially hidden), Alex Mechaber, and Ana Campo. |