1984 a woman suffering from severe fatigue, body aches, and
difficulty concentrating walked into the
office of clinical
immunologist Nancy Klimas, M.D., with a medical file several
inches thick—the result of visits to more than a dozen
One piece of treatment advice she was
given: “Change
your hair color and get a manicure. You’ll feel better.”
But the patient knew better, telling Klimas
simply, “I
think there’s something wrong with my immune system.”
Those words would dramatically change
the course of Klimas’s
academic medical career and land her and her collaborators
at the Miller School of Medicine at the forefront of understanding
and trying to find a treatment for a baffling and debilitating
disease that would come to be known as chronic fatigue syndrome.

there was something wrong with your immune system, Klimas
was the one to see in South Florida, and at the time her practice
was mainly HIV patients. Klimas sent the patient’s blood
sample to colleague Mary Ann Fletcher, Ph.D., professor of
medicine, microbiology/immunology, and psychology, and asked
her to “look at this any way you know how.” Fletcher’s
lab was already doing groundbreaking work on the role of the
body’s natural killer cells, which kill tumor cells or
any pathogens in the blood.
“Mary Ann reports back, ‘There is something very
odd about her blood work. She has less natural killer cell
function than
we see in end-stage AIDS patients, and her immune activation
markers are very high,’” Klimas recalls. “I
called the patient and told her, ‘I can’t tell
you what’s wrong, but your labs are very abnormal.’ She
burst into tears, she was so happy to hear something was
wrong with her.”
It would be four more years before the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) would formally define chronic
fatigue syndrome, and the original definition would change
over time as scientific knowledge evolved. Before then the
disease was known as chronic Epstein-Barr virus syndrome,
but that name was eliminated as other viruses and etiologies
into play.
The disease is characterized by profound
fatigue that is not improved by bed rest and may be worsened
by physical or
mental activity. No matter what the name or how debilitating
the symptoms, those who suffered from it—mainly women—were
called everything from hypochondriacs to just plain crackpots.
After a 17-year nursing career, Bonnie
Mayer, then 45 years old, was fulfilling a lifelong dream
of getting a degree
in fine arts at Florida International University. She went
bed on April 6, 1994, feeling well and happy and woke up
the next day very ill. “The room was spinning wildly, I was
extremely dizzy, sick to my stomach, I couldn’t walk,
and I was very weak,” Mayer remembers. She was diagnosed
with a virus, which had affected the inner ear or balance
mechanism, but the worst was yet to come.
“A week later I was still sick, I had extreme fatigue,
I couldn’t
think, I couldn’t even get out of bed.” Over
the next six months she would consult six different doctors
she received a chronic fatigue diagnosis.
“There are a lot of people who have this illness and
know it, and I was one of them,” Mayer says.
Patients like Mayer found some vindication late last year
when the full weight of the federal government was brought
to bear
against the disease. At a news conference in Washington,
the CDC kicked off the first-ever national public awareness
on the disease.
Invited to be one of only a handful of
speakers was Klimas, who spent a six-month sabbatical doing
research on chronic
fatigue for the CDC. “I had been waiting for that day
for a very long time,” says Klimas. “After treating
more than 2,000 chronic fatigue syndrome patients over more
than 20 years, I’ve seen patients who were angry and
frustrated at trying to convince their physicians and loved
ones that this is a real illness. They experience a level of
disability equal to that of patients with late-stage AIDS and
patients undergoing chemotherapy—and now finally they
have a powerful voice on their side.”
The CDC estimates that 4 million Americans have chronic fatigue
syndrome, and almost 80 percent of all cases are undiagnosed.
Among those numbers are veterans with Gulf War illness who
suffer symptoms identical to chronic fatigue.
The problem with making a diagnosis is that there is no laboratory
test, and treatment is aimed only at symptom relief and improved
More than half the patients have sudden
or acute onset, usually following a viral infection. “A recent prospective study
found the one single predictor of who is going to stay sick
after a viral infection is the severity of the initial viral
infection,” says Klimas. “The other patients have
a slow onset, they suffer for a year or two before they realize
they just aren’t getting any better, and by that time
they have many other complicating factors such as depression.”
When it comes to treating patients, Klimas
says you don’t
have to be a chronic fatigue expert—it comes down to
basic clinical principles. Patients tend to have three main
problems in addition to fatigue: sleep disruption, autonomic
dysfunction (delayed drops in blood pressure after standing),
and pain.
“As you take care of each of the pieces, one by one,
your patient starts coming together and getting better and
better,” says
Klimas. “In particular, the patient takes a big step
forward the day you get their sleep better. Sleep is a huge
part of helping patients feel better right from the beginning.”
Even though discovery of a cause is still
elusive after more than two decades of searching, scientists
have zeroed in
on several key areas: infectious agents such as viruses, problems
with hormone regulation in the body’s endocrine system,
disturbances in the autonomic regulation of blood pressure
and pulse, and immunologic dysfunction.
A multidisciplinary group led by Klimas at the Miller School
of Medicine was among the first to recognize and report immune
system abnormalities in chronic fatigue patients. As director
of AIDS research at the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center,
Klimas was already working with an existing team of UM and
VA researchers on HIV, and she tapped into their expertise
for this new battle.
“We were this big, diverse, multidisciplinary team in
HIV, and I said, ‘Why can’t we do the same thing
in chronic fatigue?’ Instead of looking at it myopically
through one discipline, we’re the group that says, ‘These
systems are all integrated to create what we call chronic fatigue
syndrome,’” says Klimas.
In looking at what generally happens to
someone with this disease, it’s easy to see how everything
can go haywire. Think about when you get a virus: You feel
pretty rotten, your immune
system kicks in, everything quiets back down, and eventually
you feel better. In chronic fatigue something revs up the
immune system, but it never quiets back down.
For example, explains Klimas, “Whatever has stirred up
your immune system in the first place can end up disturbing
your sleep. When you don’t sleep properly, never going
into stage three and stage four sleep, your body doesn’t
release the nighttime hormones such as cortisol. A stress
hormone, cortisol is a big part of why we quiet our immune
system. It
peaks in the morning when we wake up and resets the immune
system for the day.”
When that doesn’t happen, the immune
system that was activated yesterday gets even more activated
today and the
next day, and it starts releasing far too many cytokines,
which are molecules that can make you ache all over and disrupt
four sleep. These molecules can also cause adverse effects
in the brain, leading to cognitive and memory problems.

“What you end up with is this vicious cycle of fairly
subtle dysregulation between the body’s hormone system,
the autonomic nervous system, and the immune system,” Klimas
says. “Everything is just a little off kilter—and
instead of helping each other, these systems together are
amplifying the problem.”
Fletcher, the scientist who tested the
very first patient’s
blood, is the director of the E. M. Papper Clinical Immunology
Laboratory at the Miller School and has done groundbreaking
work since the early 1980s on the immune system and, in particular,
on the role of natural killer cells in chronic fatigue.
“Initially it was quite difficult to get funding,” remembers
Fletcher. “This was seen as a hysterical condition
that middle-aged women might come down with.”
Fletcher recently received a new National
Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to study the role of specific
Y (NPY) and dipeptidyl-peptidase (CD26)—in the development
of chronic fatigue. These molecules are important in the regulation
of many physiological and disease processes in the immune,
nervous, and endocrine systems. The study will examine the
relationship between blood concentrations of NPY and CD26 and
the severity of chronic fatigue symptoms. And that’s
not all.
Fletcher and Klimas are now recruiting 150 patients for a
five-year longitudinal NIH study that will assess patients
at baseline,
again on a day when they feel good, and on a day when they
feel bad, even if they have to go to their homes to collect
the blood.
“We’re going to be looking at a large menu of
immunologic markers at each of these intervals and compare
them to 90 healthy
subjects,” says Fletcher. “We’re hoping
to see which of the markers will be instructive and will
correspond to the symptoms. This should give us a much more
complete picture of the disease, and hopefully we can set
a menu both to facilitate the diagnosis of chronic fatigue
and to measure the efficacy of new treatments.”
Problems with the autonomic nervous system, which controls
cardiovascular, digestive, and respiratory functions (as
well as the immune system), are common in patients with chronic
fatigue. Many have difficulty with fainting spells and lightheadedness,
especially shortly after standing. Researchers have found
of these same patients have low or below-normal red blood
cell volumes.
Klimas and Barry Hurwitz, Ph.D., professor of psychology
and medicine and part of the UM Behavioral Medicine Research
at the VA Medical Center, headed a four-year NIH study that
looked at whether the anemia drug Procrit could help these
patients by increasing their red blood cell volume.
“Our preliminary findings show while the drug corrected
their anemia, it did not decrease their fatigue,” says
Hurwitz. “However,
we did find there was a slight improvement in their ability
to stay standing for a longer period of time without a drop
in blood pressure. Every little piece we can add to the puzzle
will help us discover the root cause or causes of this illness.”
An increase in stress plays a very significant
role in managing chronic fatigue symptoms. “On a good day I am easily
fatigued—I can get out of breath scrambling an egg,” says
Bonnie Mayer. “But if I have a particularly long, stressful
day, it is much harder to function for the next couple of
“For me life is an adaptation, and
thanks to a great deal of family support, my life is certainly
better now than
it was
at the beginning of this journey.”
For more than 20 years faculty in the Behavioral Medicine
Research Program have been studying stress management among
who have diseases that affect the immune system. Much of
their early work focused on HIV patients, but there was reason
believe that stress also played a big role among chronic
fatigue patients.
A UM study conducted after Hurricane Andrew in 1992 found
that chronic fatigue patients who lived in Miami-Dade County
went through the stress of the storm had a serious exacerbation
of their symptoms, while patients in Broward County did not.
“We also found patients who were more optimistic and
had more social support as they moved through the hurricane
did better,” says
Michael Antoni, Ph.D., professor of psychology and psychiatry
and behavioral sciences. “We took these findings and
designed a study to evaluate the effect of a ten-week cognitive
behavioral stress management intervention group during which
chronic fatigue patients were taught techniques to deal with
stress. We found a very positive outcome on better stress
and symptom management.”
Since many chronic fatigue patients often
don’t feel
well enough to attend regular therapy sessions, the NIH recently
funded an extension of the study to see if the same effect
can be achieved through a telephone-based cognitive behavioral
stress management intervention. A similar program has already
been found to be beneficial among dementia caregivers.
The next frontier is clearly studying
genetic factors in chronic fatigue. Findings released earlier
this year showed
have a genetic make-up that affects the body’s ability
to adapt to change. Taking that research a step further,
Klimas has received VA funding to conduct a gene microarray
of chronic fatigue and Gulf War illness patients both before
and after exercise.
“The knowledge is coming at us very quickly now. It is
going to translate into effective therapies, and I am so excited
to be a part of it,” says Klimas. “On a personal
level, it is really important to ask yourself if you made a
difference that affected a lot of people beyond your own patient
base, and the answer is yes, I think I did. But there’s
still a lot more to do.”