Ralph L. Sacco, M.D., M.S., Miller Professor of Neurology, Epidemiology, and Human Genetics and chairman of the Department of Neurology, received the 2007 Chairman’s Award of the American Heart Association during the opening session of the Scientific Sessions 2007 in Orlando in November. Sacco was saluted for his volunteer leadership in achieving the organization’s vital goals by creating innovative community-based programs to combat stroke.
Astrid Mack, Ph.D., associate dean for minority affairs, received the Clay Hamilton Memorial Hope Award in September from the Human Services Coalition in Miami. Mack was honored for his groundbreaking work in sickle cell disease and his contributions to the local African-American community. The organization works to empower individuals and communities to create a more just society by promoting civic involvement and access to health and human services.
Michel J. Dodard, M.D., associate professor of family medicine and community health, received the distinguished Chairman’s Recognition Award from the Florida Board of Medicine. Dodard was recognized for providing quality medical care to the residents of Florida, particularly at the Center for Haitian Studies in Miami.
Walter F. Lambert, M.D., associate professor of clinical pediatrics, received the 2007 Medal of Honor Award from the Florida Bar Foundation for bettering the lives of countless abused and neglected children in South Florida. For the past 18 years Lambert has headed the Child Protection Team for Miami-Dade and Monroe counties, which oversees and investigates more than 2,000 reported cases of abuse and neglect each year.
Judy Schaechter, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics, has been appointed to the newly created Children and Youth Cabinet by Florida Governor Charlie Crist. The cabinet is charged with developing a strategic plan to promote collaboration, increase efficiency, and improve service delivery between and within state agencies that provide services to children. |