Conventional wisdom has it that twentysomethings
are hopelessly self-absorbed and narcissistic, a breed
far likelier to earmark disposable income for keg parties
and iPods than for activities that sustain and uplift
Fortunately, Palmetto Bay homemaker
Samantha Sharpe, 32, appreciates that conventional
wisdom can occasionally
be off the mark. Combining that knowledge with a
can-do attitude, she pulled off a one-day leisure event
generated $33,600 in cash and pledges for cancer
researchers and clinicians at UM/Sylvester. And yes,
the aforementioned
twentysomethings played a major role in producing
that haul.
Sharpe is a guiding light behind Young
Philanthropists for Sylvester (YPS), a fledgling group
of South Floridians
in their 20s, 30s, and 40s that raises funds for
the University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer
Center. Sharpe organized a YPS fundraising gathering
at the Lucky Strike bowling alley in Miami Beach
was attended by roughly 200 people.
The bowling outing and the events preceding
it were textbook examples of “Cultivating Young Philanthropists
“One day I got a phone call from a cousin at
seven o’clock
in the morning,” Sharpe recalls, laughing at
her kin’s audacity. “She said to me, ‘Why
don’t you do a bowling thing called Strike Out
Cancer at Lucky Strike?’” Sharpe began
marshaling the troops that same day. She reserved a
date for the Lucky Strike affair and started working
her phone, reaching out to friends and acquaintances
in her age bracket who shared a desire to K.O. cancer.
More and more respondents began jumping
on the bandwagon, eager to do a good deed while simultaneously
fun. The result was a fundraising event that outwardly
looked like just another Thursday evening at Lucky
Strike. Most of the facility’s 14 lanes were
clogged with bowlers 21 to 45 who were laughing boisterously
and generally enjoying each other’s company.
Off to the side, not far from the bowling
bar, three UM/Sylvester volunteers manned a table where
bowlers could sign up to become full-fledged YPS members,
bringing a commitment to donate $2,000 to UM/Sylvester
over a three-year period.
It was a scene Sharpe took in with a
satisfied-looking smile. A mother of children 4 and
1, Sharpe rarely
has a spare second for herself, much less time for
bowling and cavorting. For her, YPS’s first major
fundraising event -wasn’t primarily about lighthearted
fun or even fundraising.
Her father, Coconut Grove homebuilder
Steven Shere, is a survivor of stage 4 lung cancer,
meaning the disease
had metastasized to other parts of his body. Told
he had four months to live, Shere has been a cancer
for two years following aggressive treatments.
“Every time he coughs, I cringe,” Sharpe
says. “You
go, ‘Oh God, is it something new?’ You
just have to live life every day to its fullest, because
you don’t know what tomorrow brings.”
Sharpe, who graduated from UM in 1997
with majors in criminology and psychology, admits that
her interest
in YPS partially stems from self-preservation. Noting
that her father’s mother died of cancer, as did
his sister, Sharpe pointedly observes: “I may
be next.”

Another YPS participant at Lucky Strike,
28-year-old attorney Jennifer Olmedo-Rodriguez, also
felt compelled
by personal considerations.
“I have a lot of family members that have suffered
from cancer,” says Olmedo-Rodriguez, who does
regulatory compliance work. “My grandfather passed
away several years ago from cancer, and there have
various family members that have been diagnosed with
cancer or actually passed away.”
The young lawyer hopes YPS can help
UM/Sylvester and the Miller School of Medicine become “household
names in terms of local charities.” However,
YPS can help achieve an objective Olmedo-Rodriguez
believes is just as important.
“The idea behind this group is to get young people attracted to this charity
and to help them stay connected with it as they grow in their careers and become
successful,” she says. “Hopefully, they’ll remember Sylvester
and the Miller School when they’re able to make the kinds of financial
commitments they can’t make now.” |