Alumni Scholarship Spotlight
Some medical students spend their summers studying and preparing for the grueling academic year ahead. For third-year student Rimsky Denis, summer “vacation” is often more difficult than medical school. In June 2010, Denis traveled to rural Ghana with nine other medical volunteers to promote community health and conduct valuable field research. A stipend from the John K. Robinson Fund allowed him to present his experiences and results at two national conferences.
Rimsky Denis |
“I had an amazing time in Africa. We provided health services to children with intestinal worms and taught their parents about lifesaving health topics, like treating diarrhea, which kills as many as 1.5 million children each year,” Denis says. “We dewormed nearly 1,500 children and conducted interviews and assessments with their parents—vital information that could help improve and sustain health care for rural communities. Without the John K. Robinson Fund, I could never have shared these findings with other colleagues interested in public health.”
To support alumni-sponsored scholarships like the John K. Robinson Fund as well
as students like Rimsky Denis, contact the Office of Alumni Relations at alumni@med.miami.edu, or call 305-243-9387.